Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hypodermic Needle, Coalpit Headwall, Y couloir

I think yesterday was my best day skiing of the season so far.  I have had a ton of amazing days, but the overall experience of this one was pretty indescribable.  Aaron Kennard and I started off in the dark through the short  bushwhack to the entrance of the Y.  When I skied the Y the first time with Josh we booted up the whole thing, but this time we skinned most of the way.  I had never skinned up anything that steep and learned the hard way it magnifies poor technique.  Thankfully Aaron taught me what the Dorais brothers taught him and now I know how to do a proper kick turn.  We ran into the Dorais brothers, Tom Goth and Lars and before we knew it they were out of sight.  It is cool to watch how fast they were.  They had already skied down the Coalpit headwall and skinned back up to the ridge before we even reached the summit of North Thunder.  I look forward to the day when Aaron and I can go that fast and put in a huge day and still be back home by noon.  Coalpit Gulch and the area around North Thunder Mountain was such an incredible area.  The views of amazing snow covered mountains I'd never been to before along the with awesome skiing possibilities all around produced some pretty indescribable feelings.  After getting to the summit of North Thunder we headed over to the Hypodermic Needle and looked down what would be our first ever 50 degree slope.  We quickly learned 50 degrees is way steeper than 40!  There are some rocks in the top section so rather than try to make it through those without a potential fall, we just side stepped very slowly and carefully down below the rocks with our skis and whippets.  The skiing was so steep and so incredible.  It was crazy just how steep it was! We skinned back up to the ridge and as soon as we got back to the summit of North Thunder a thick fog rolled in and we could only see 20 feet or so.  Luckily Aaron still knew where we were somehow and picked the right spot for us to drop into the line we had scoped out earlier.  The snow was great! We made our way out of Coalpit and back up to the Y for over 3,000 feet more of great skiing before finishing our day.  An amazing day!  Thanks Kristen for giving me the day to play!

Aaron crossing the river.  He decided to crawl across after I almost slipped on the snow covered log.

Andy and Jason Dorais, Tom Goth and Lars showing us how it's done.  I think 3 of the 4 have been on the US ski mountaineering team.

Climbing up the Y

Looking across at Lisa Falls Couloir, this year or next?

That big snow covered mountain in the background is North Thunder, and this side of the mountain is called the Coalpit Headwall.  It was cool knowing we'd be skiing down one of those chutes in a couple hours.

I love that fixed rope!

Coalpit Gulch

Booting up to North Thunder

Aaron headed over to the top of the needle.

The views were breathtaking.

Looking down the Hypodermic Needle

Too steep to worry about getting in focus but shows why we didn't try to ski the top section.

Me skiing down my first 50 degree slope.  

I forgot to take my headlamp off all day.

What the Needle looks like from across the canyon according to Google.

What the visibility was like when we got back up to North Thunder.

Somehow Aaron knew where to go.

It would have been nice to have the visibility for this line, but at the same time it was kind of cool to ski down our first time in the fog. 

Coming down the Y couloir, over 3,000 feet more to ski down great snow.

After the Needle and Coalpit, this 42 degree slope felt pretty mellow.